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Tag: Car Insurance

Avoid A Headache When You Can't Avoid What's In The Road

Avoid A Headache When You Can't Avoid What's In The Road

In a majority of cases, hitting an animal while driving is unavoidable. As upsetting as this event can be, it is also capable of causing substantial damage to your vehicle, particularly if the animal is large. Deer-related accidents are common in rural areas, with the average repair from these accidents exceeding $3,300. We recommend that our clients review their auto insurance policy with one of...

How To Handle Being Hit While Parked

How To Handle Being Hit While Parked

Hit and run accidents frequently occur while a vehicle is parked on the street, in a parking structure, or at the local shopping mall. Often the guilty party does not leave contact information, which leaves the vehicle owner with the problem of getting the damage repaired. To add to the burden, many people are unclear on what to do in this situation and are unsure...